Wednesday, August 25, 2010

From inside Yankee Stadium - "WC" and "SR" tickets

Here's something that I have to get off my chest.

People, please please please.... be forewarned.

If you dare purchase "SR" Yankee tickets, you will STAND behind a table behind the "ADA" or "wheelchair" section. And your view of the game WILL be limited at best!

Why would the Yankees permit this? The answer is simple..... MONEY! KA-CHING! Which also explains why they never explain the nature of those tickets. If you knew that, you'd never buy those tickets. And they know this too.

Here's a little video I whipped up explaining "WC" and "SR" tickets. Enjoy, and feel free to comment.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Cracking open

Heyall! Thanks for breezing by! So glad to have this little "forum" to chat, showcase, celebrate and to possibly vent.

Still feeling great from the Thompson Family Reunion.... and looking forward to seeing more of the fam.

To start things off, I'm just gonna put in a little something that I whipped up sometime around February...... Enjoy!